Spm short help

Table of Contents
1. Installing Spm
1.1. Dependencies
1.2. Configure script options
2. Basic Usage
2.1. Installing
2.1.1. The easy way
2.1.2. Using package option
2.1.3. Categoryzing packages
2.2. Listing categorys and installed packages
2.3. Getting informations about installed packages
3. Advanced Usage
3.1. Managing plugin
3.1.1. Adding plugins
3.1.2. Enabling/Disabling plugins
3.2. Grouping packages in set

This document is simple introduction to Spm

1. Installing Spm

1.1. Dependencies

Spm has very few dependencies. You will need :

  • File
  • Tar
  • Unzip
  • Bzip2
  • Gzip

Those packages are already essentials part of many Linux distributions. You will also need Boost. In case it's not installed on your system, you can use the version which come with Spm

1.2. Configure script options

The options you really need :

./configure --prefix=/usr --localstatedir=/var --sysconfdir=/etc

This will install Spm in /usr. The package database will be in /var/spm and global configuration will go in /etc. Spm will be build with its own boost version

To use the version of boost installed on your system, you must add '--with-system-boost'