3. Advanced Usage

3.1. Managing plugin

Plugins are used for installations. Management is done with spmPlugin. You can see avaible plugins with the '--list' (or '-l') option.

3.1.1. Adding plugins

There is two way off adding a plugins. You can add a single plugin file or a plugin directory. Plugin directorys are checked on startup of spmPlugin and spm, and every plugin inside those directory are automatically added.

To add a plugin or a plugin directory, you have to use the --add (or '-a') option. For exemple to add directory 'spmPlugins' inside your home directory you will do :

spmPlugin -a ~/spmPlugins

To add a plugin file named 'myPlugin.so' inside your home directory :

spmPlugin -a ~/myPlugin.so

3.1.2. Enabling/Disabling plugins

To be used, a plugin must be enable. This can be done with the --enable (or '-e') option. You have to give the name of the plugins you want to enable. For disabling a plugin just replace the '--enable' with '--disable'.

3.2. Grouping packages in set

A Set is a regroupement of package or set. That means that you can add packages or set in a set.

Like packages, Set can be categorized. To create a Set, you have to use the option '--addSet' (or '-S') of spm. At least you must provide the name of the new set. This name must be unique. If a package of a set already exist with this name, you will get an error.

Set are also versionned. The version of a set is provided when you create it

So for exemple :

spm -S MySet-1.0.0

will create a set named MySet. This set has one version '1.0.0'

If you want to set the category, you can add the '--category' option :

spm -S MySet-1.0.0 --category=MyCategory

You can also add a set to an already existing set with the --addToSet option :

spm -S MySet-1.0.0 --category=MyCategory --addToSet=AnotherSet-1.0.0

You will use the same option to add a package to set at installation time :

spm -I mypackage-1.0.0.tar.gz --addToSet=MySet-1.0.0